
  • Nov 30, 2018


  When captivated by a prime, creative or innovative business idea, that has the potential of being a successful business opportunity, do not allow funding to be a barrier to the implementation of such ideas. Today’s young generation most often than not have superior business ideas but the major impediment to the implementation of their ideas is funding. Thus, most brilliant business plans are smothered at an embryonic stage and go down in flame due to the lack of funding. The aim...

  • Oct 01, 2018

Hidden Riskes by High Intake of Caffeine

  The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies caffeine as a food additive and a drug, which is used in both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications for treatment of tiredness, drowsiness, fatigue and to enhance the activity of some painkillers. The most common side effects of excessive caffeine intake are; Insomnia Nervousness Restlessness Irritability Stomach upset Fast heartbeat Muscle tremors. Long-term consumption may cause cardiovascular diseases inc...

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